Sunday, July 26, 2009


The Ribosome:

Ribosomes are complex molecular machines found in every living cell on the planet. All cellular proteins, whether enzymatic, structural, or signal transduction proteins, are synthesized by the ribosome. These magnificent machines are are key players in the translation of genetic information from nucleic acid to amino acid. Ribosomes read off genetic information from DNA by the messenger RNA or mRNA to put consituent amino acids together in the encoded order to make specific proteins. This molecular model, generated by Venki Ramakrishan, shows the different molecules that make up the ribosomal subunits. The turquoise, green, and yellow components are made up of ribosomal RNA and the purple and orange components are made up of proteins. The three triangular molecules in the center are called transfer RNAs, which are each responsible for carrying one amino acid, complimentary to the code prescribed by the mRNA. As the tRNAs leave the ribosome, their subsequent amino acids are added to the growing protein chain, ultimately creating a newly synthesized protein.

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